Last Updated: August 7, 2024

Code of Conduct

Perfect World Ember (PWEmber) is dedicated to creating worlds that inspire friendships and providing fun, safe, and inclusive environments in those worlds and outside them.

As we expand into new and exciting spaces, we have revised our Code of Conduct with new Community Standards and Codes of Conduct for our worlds. These updates outline the principles we ask our community to follow, fostering respect, fair play, and camaraderie. These are essential for the future of our community.

Account Limitations

Players may face a ban or restriction, and possibly other consequences, for the following, regardless of intent:

  • Cheating and network manipulation, including poor connection quality.
  • Frequent quitting or frequent removal from matchmade games.
  • Using third-party apps to insert code into the game client.
  • Abusing external accessibility tools.
  • Win trading.
  • Account recoveries, including paying for a service to use your account.
  • Violating our Donation Policy
  • Additionally, players may face a ban or restriction, and possibly other consequences, for the following, regardless of intent:
  • Disrespect of any kind; including hate speech based on, but not limited to race, ethnicity, color, creed, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, medical condition, age, national origin, immigration status, or any other attribute that people use to label others and divide communities.
  • Violations of privacy or sharing other people’s personal information. Do not reveal personal information about others or yourself. It makes you and them vulnerable. Personal information includes but is not limited to, real-world names and addresses, online handles, phone numbers, messaging app profiles, and email addresses.
  • Personal attacks, harassment, stalking, impersonation, or bullying of other members of this community or PW Ember representatives.
  • Breaking the law, plotting crimes, or describing/promoting illegal activities.
  • Threats to harm other members of this community or PW Ember representatives, even in jest.
  • Ruining the player experience and normal gameplay with hacks, cheats, or submitting false reports.
  • Attempts to phish for or harvest accounts, account details, or other credentials.
  • Evasion of in-game bans, suspensions, or our language filter.

Other consequences include:

  • Loss or restricted access to in-game text chat
  • A reset of the PWEmber Player Name
  • A reset of Clan information
  • A ban or restriction from the client.

Appealing a Game Ban or Restriction

Players who have received a ban or restriction may contact us using the Ban/Restriction Appeal Contact Form. Before submitting a ticket through the contact form, please read all the information below.

Why Was I Banned?

If a player receives a message that references an account or device ban, they have permanently lost access to the activities indicated in the ban message. The ban message may indicate which activities are impacted and whether the ban is at the account or device level. Players who receive an Account Ban will no longer be able to play the banned PWEmber activities on that account. Players who receive a Device Ban will no longer be able to play PWEmber activities on that hardware. No account will be able to participate in activities in PWEmber on a banned device, regardless of the individual account ban status.


Any ban or restriction for a player determined to be cheating or violating our Terms of Use may be applied to the entire squad of that player. Players should exercise caution when joining squads with unknown players and should leave a squad if they suspect a player on their team may be cheating.

Frequent Quitting or Removal

Players who frequently quit or are removed from PWEmber Arigora, Nation Wars or Thursday Night Fights matches may receive a restriction or ban.

Third-Party PC Applications

To help ensure that every player will have a fair shot at fun in PWEmber on PC, we resist attempts by third-party applications to insert code into the game client. This may result in incompatibility between PWEmber PC and the features of common third-party applications.

Abuse of External Accessibility Tools

Abusing external accessibility tools or aids specifically to gain an advantage over other players will result in escalating actions, including bans.

Win Trading

PWEmber defines win trading as intentionally granting other players wins in PvP activities. This includes but is not limited to manipulating matchmaking by any means to force-match with specific opponents or coordinating with opponents to provide uncontested victories. We are now targeting players for bans who are actively engaging in win trading. Our ultimate goal is protecting the competitive environment of PVP by removing the ability to bypass the effort that players put in to earn rewards. Play fair, keep it clean.

Account Recoveries

Account recoveries are when a player gives someone else access to their platform account and control of their PWEmber characters. This not only puts your account security at risk, but it can also have adverse effects on other players’ experiences in competitive matchmade activities. While we will only be placing bans or restrictions for certain circumstances, we strongly recommend that you never give your account login information to anyone else.

What could get you banned or restricted:

  • Charging others to recover their account for boosting, earning items, completing content, etc.
  • Paying someone to recover your account to be boosted, have items earned, etc.
  • Boosting recoveries done for free can also result in bans or restrictions.

Code of Conduct or License Agreement Violation

PWEmber regards some behavior to be in breach of the Code of Conduct or the license agreement that governs PWEmber, and therefore may be restricted or banned from some or all PWEmber content or activities.

This behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Connecting to the PWEmber game service with any of the following:
    • Modified game software
    • Modified game assets
    • Modified hardware
    • Modified console firmware
    • Modified operating system files including emulators and virtual machines
  • Using an external program to modify or analyze the operation of the PWEmber game software, such as:
    • Trainers, mods, cheats, aimbots, or skillsender, autoassist, etc.
    • User mode or kernel debuggers
    • Graphics hacks
  • Sending malicious network traffic to PWEmber servers or other PWEmber players
  • Using an external program or device to automate gameplay or circumvent idle detection.
  • Modification or interruption of PWEmber network traffic with intent to disrupt the experience of other players or to gain an advantage in the game.
  • Intentionally deriving gameplay benefit from another user’s behavior in the above categories.
  • Unauthorized access to PWEmber software or downloadable content (game piracy).
  • Impersonating a PWEmber staff member.
  • Online behaviors disruptive to the experiences of others, such as:
    • Hate speech, griefing, or message spamming
    • Habitual unsportsmanlike conduct
    • Habitual quitting or idle behavior in matchmade activities
    • Intentionally deleting another players items or characters by logging in with their account credentials


PWEmber reserves the right to permanently ban PWEmber accounts or player hardware that have been confirmed as repeat offenders. Activity bans or restrictions may be escalated to device bans after multiple confirmed offenses. Additionally, PWEmber reserves the right to permanently ban PWEmber accounts or player hardware for first-time offenses deemed to be egregious violations of our Terms of Use.

Restricted Access to Gear, Items, and Content

When losing access to specific activities, players may also lose access to gear and items associated with that activity. This can include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Weapons, Armor
  • Cubi
  • Removal of Faction

Appealing a Ban

Players who have received a ban or restriction may contact us using the Ban/Restriction Appeal Contact Form.

Permanent account bans and temporary restrictions are only implemented with rigorous checking by trained PWEmber staff members. The appeals process is designed to help us further refine our tools for detecting and punishing players who violate our Terms of Use and the Code of Conduct.

Restrictions are temporary, and may not be overturned or undone before they expire. Permanent bans are the result of escalating restrictions for the same behavior or for extreme violations of this policy.

PWEmber takes actions to preserve the experience of all PWEmber players, and does not take account restrictions lightly. If actions were taken against your account, then it was with evidence that a reasonable person could conclude that cheating was knowingly taking place.

Players are responsible for their online account and gaming hardware, and any actions taken in the world of PWEmber, and should be careful of who they allow to access their PWEmber account.


To make an appeal case, you may contact us at Discord or email us at with your account login, security answer. You may also be asked to confirm your email address, payments if any were made, or any additional information to validate your identity.